David Ross - (Rolling) Stones

from Stones (1968) ~ Christian Wolff by E42.A8



(Rolling) Stones was recorded in the front
room of a 300yr old cottage located in rural
South Norfolk, East Anglia.

I used stones of various sizes selected from
the garden, along with others collected over
the years from different locations along the
Norfolk and Suffolk coastline.

To record, I set up a single cardioid condenser
microphone on a very low stand and faced it

The mic was patched to a pre-amp and then
into a portable digital recorder.

I placed the stones inside a large frame
drum and standing over the mic, proceeded
to make circular motions with it of different
speed, diameter, angle and height, to explore
the range of possible sounds. I attempted to
create a flow of varying events within a single
unedited movement/performance whilst trying
hard not to spill any of the stones onto my
best microphone.

I transferred the recording to a CD-r in my basic
studio upstairs and then patched the CD
player into a small mixer.

I derived a second stereo output of the recording
by patching a line from the CD player’s
headphone output socket into a second stereo
channel on the mixer.

I then made a live mix/version back to CD-r
using the two stereo outputs, each processed
through different chains of compression, delay
and filtering, using outboard hardware
processors via the pre-fade send/returns on
the mixer.

The final piece was executed in a single pass as
a parallel unedited movement/performance
in response to the source recording. No computer
was used at any stage and happily nothing
was broken.

David Ross 4/03/2017’


from Stones (1968) ~ Christian Wolff, released October 16, 2018



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